What You Accomplish

Medicine Wheel at RedCliff assists and encourages young adults to discover what success means to them, find and develop their passions, and launch them into a new life. While enrolled, students gain the tools necessary to build healthy relationships with loved ones, friends, and coworkers.

Young adults develop authenticity and come face-to-face with who they really are in a physically and emotionally safe environment. This is accomplished through a clinically-driven curriculum that helps young adults accept the past, embrace the present, and plan for the future. They are supported on their journey by a team of specialized clinicians, experienced professional field guides, and a community of their peers.

It is important to recognize that Medicine Wheel is not meant to be perceived as a consequence or punishment of past behavior. If it is thought of in this way, there will naturally be resistance to the process, and enrollees generally chalk it up to one more circle on a downward spiral.

Remember, “attitude is everything,” and enrolling at Medicine Wheel is no different. Having a good attitude doesn’t mean you have to like every moment; it just means that we all can choose how we respond to life’s situations. Whether Medicine Wheel is viewed as a consequence or an opportunity is really up to each attendee. The choice is yours to make.